Thursday, September 25, 2008

Colbert In The News

Well ladies and gents, my spider sense has been tingling and now I know why! Mr. Stephen T. Colbert is back in the news again.

Aside from winning the obvious Emmy this week, Mr. Colbert is appearing in an 8 page feature in the upcoming Spiderman comic (issue 573). Colbert is actually running for president in the Marvel Universe, which honestly makes me wish that the Marvel Universe was Canada... then I could move there.

On a side note, we have officially received word that the Stephen T. Colbert room is being sponsored by Utah Valley University. We will begin campaigning within the next week or so with booths and fliers all over campus.

Keep checking back for when and where we'll be on campus so you can come say hello!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Truthiness Learnatorium In The News

This week the UVU Stephen Colbert Truthiness Learnatorium was front and center in the Utah Valley University newspaper, the UVU Review.

Nation, this is the first of many articles to come. This idea is growing faster than Al Gore's nose hairs (really fast).

Who knows, soon, Colbert himself might even hear about our attempts to honor a national hero, and public icon and decide to feature such a cause in his personal journal... or maybe even his show.

You can read the divinely inspired article written by the lovely Jennie Nicholls here.

In the mean time, continue to spread the word. Write your local Senators! Tell your cleaning lady or your roommate's girlfriend. Or just click here to donate.

Monday, September 15, 2008

What They Say vs. What They Mean

I don't know about you, but over the past few months I have become sick of all the he said, she said mud slinging that has taken place during the rat race to become president.

Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart continue, on a day to day basis, to shed light on the childish behavior of the media and the last two candidates standing. It's almost as if the entire campaign for the presidency has turned into a Pee-wee Herman game with everyone trumpeting, "I know you are, but what am I?"

In support of Indecision 2008, I offer you the following blog post that helps explain what candidates mean when they say things like "(So and so) is a flip-flopper." Or, "(So and so) lacks experience."

Let's call the future leader(s) of our country out on their name calling... maybe even give them a timeout.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Colbert Link Juice

Thanks to Erin over at The Incredible Julk for helping to spread the word about the UVU Stephen T. Colbert Room! She's actually the big reason why this story is getting covered in the paper.

Errin is currently on a 30 day fast of the 'F' word. Hang in there Erin! Don't eff it up!

I'm currently on working out cash donation details for everyone. Hang tight, and I'll keep you updated!

Keep spreading the word. If you have any ideas of how to make this idea spread, I'm all ears! In the mean time, keep inviting people to the Facebook group, and blog about it (I'll throw a link up to your site here if you do).

Carry on Colbert Nation.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How It All Began

As you probably know by now, I am heading up the pursuit of the UVU Stephen Colbert Room at the new library.

This idea came to fruition about a month ago as a group of friends and myself walked through the library for the first time. We saw signs posted throughout the library advertising the ability to name a room. After some investigation, we learned that the minimum donation for a room is $5,000. We started thinking how awesome it would be if we could rally the troops and name a room after something unique and hilarious. We concluded that since Stephen Colbert has had just about everything else in the world named after him (from bridges to hockey mascots) we might as well try to name part of the library after him.

I've had 'crazy' ideas like this in the past, but for some reason, this time it was different. I wanted to make it happen. So, I set up a fund raiser account, started telling my friends and suddenly the ball was rolling.

Before I knew it, I had set up an interview and photo opp with the UVU school paper, along with a meeting with the Alumni Board who made my fund raiser officially affiliated with the school. Now, donations can be considered a tax write off!

The next step is spreading the word on campus, making t-shirts, passing out flyers, trying to get some businesses on board and of course, Mr. Colbert himself.

Man this is exciting stuffs...