Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Truthiness Learnatorium In The News

This week the UVU Stephen Colbert Truthiness Learnatorium was front and center in the Utah Valley University newspaper, the UVU Review.

Nation, this is the first of many articles to come. This idea is growing faster than Al Gore's nose hairs (really fast).

Who knows, soon, Colbert himself might even hear about our attempts to honor a national hero, and public icon and decide to feature such a cause in his personal journal... or maybe even his show.

You can read the divinely inspired article written by the lovely Jennie Nicholls here.

In the mean time, continue to spread the word. Write your local Senators! Tell your cleaning lady or your roommate's girlfriend. Or just click here to donate.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah this is all we need at UVU, something else to make us look like a joke to the rest of the schools in Utah. Get real. Give up your five minutes of fame now and leave it alone. The whole point of becoming a university was to make UVU students more marketable. How is naming our library after a comedian going to help us accomplish this? This all seems like a PETTY WASTE OF TIME for us and a desperate call for attention from you.